記録 2015.12.03. Yet Thursday(-    -).













*At the noon meeting of today, our chief talked about 7 rules of a cartoonist Shigeru Mizuki,
who has passed away the other day at the age of 93.
Getting back home and googled, I found he has a lot of witticism:

***Don't do things on purpose of success, in order to defeat somebody, get honor.
***Never escape from troubles. You can live easily anytime.
***There's no fortune, only the thing you have is the power of attack.
Weak man would escape from that, human can be what he's going to be.
You can achieve anything if you're with the power of attack.
***It's natural to do what you like, for that you can keep going.
But only that isn't so good.
Besides, you have to think much and squeeze your brain.
***Cartoonists could die if they work hard. We have to sleep well.
***We have to eat what we'd like to.
***We have to take rest when we're tired.
***Keep on doing what you cannot help stop doing.
***We have to seek our own fun, do not care to compare to others.
***We have to prepare ourselves even for being hurt, when we're going to make someone really happy.
***Don't run away from troubles. Life is all the way painful. If you know pain, you're getting used to pains. It's got strong point of you.

I'm really sorry I couldn't come up with good translation.
Later, I'm going to try to again.
Let's call it quit for this evening, good night*