記録 2016.09.06.うう。



*土竜の唄w サイ!!サイコー!!
いい種も悪い種もテメエがまいたモノを一つずつ刈り取るのが人生だ。 だから人生ってのは面白い。 いい花咲かせろよ、兄弟。
俺は誰のオトコでもねえが、 一度でも抱いた女は俺のオンナだ。

*うわあ まだ火曜日だよ!!早く寝る寝る寝る。
(-    -)

◆プロシェアーズ・ウルトラショート・エン(ProShares UltraShort Yen)は、メリーランド州ベセスダに本社を置く、上場投資信託(ETF)事業を行う企業です。

フリードリヒ・ヴィルヘルム・ライファイゼン(Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen)(1818年 3月30日-1888年 3月11日)はドイツのヴァイアーブッシュ市長(1844-48),フランマースフェルト市長(1848-52)ヘッデスドルフ市長(1852-65), 信用協同組合の先駆者である。いくつかの信用組合システムや協同組織金融機関は、地方の信用組合(農業協同組合に近い)の祖であるライファイゼンの名を冠する。

◆◆ちょっと前の、Project Syndicate と Financial Times から。
Project Syndicate
Benjamin Cohen 専門は国際金融、国際政治経済学。米コロンビア大博士(経済学)。著書に「通貨の地理学」ほか。79歳。

The Case for Muddling Through Brexit
Panic is gripping markets stocks and bonds are falling, the pound is plumbing new depths, fears of recession are rampant all because a slim majority of voters in the United Kingdom decided that the country should leave the European Union.
The British public has spoken and the die is cast. The UK's new prime minister, Theresa May, will have to invoke Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon. within two years, Britain will be officially out, like it or not.
But is all the market angst warranted? One could argue that the outlook is much less dire than most people realize. My advice is to take a deep breath and adopt the long view, because this story is far from over. After all is said and done, the ending could in fact turn out to be surprisingly benign and, ironically, similar to what exists now.
The challenges ahead are obvious. The narrow majority for "Leave" implies that there are still many in Britain who deeply resent the idea of "Brexit."
Start with "the City," London's wall Street, which, despite the UK's use of the pound rather than the euro, has long served as the EU's pulsing financial center and its gateway to the rest of the world's markets. with Britain out altogether, large sectors of the City's business can be expected to migrate to new homes on the continent. The only question is which city will win the race to replace London. The most logical choice would seem to be Frankfurt, the home of the European Central Bank, but Paris and Amsterdam are also in the running.
Britain's exporters are also unhappy because half of their sales are to fellow EU members. Nor should we forget the Scots and the Northern Irish, who voted overwhelmingly against Brexit and are now prepared to go to great lengths to preserve their membership in the European club.
Indeed, even some of the most enthusiastic Leave campaigners have shown signs of buyer's remorse, now that the price of Brexit is becoming increasingly clear. Most notorious among them is Boris Johnson, the former London mayor who, just four days after the referendum, wrote a commentary in the Daily Telegraph titled: "I Cannot Stress Too Much That Britain Is Part of Europe ? And Always will Be."
So, how can Britain uphold the democratic will of its voters and yet remain "part of Europe," as the City and others would like? The answer is simple: It should muddle through. This shouldn"t be too hard in the end. This, after all, is the country that had, as the historian John Robert Seeley once wrote, "conquered and peopled half the world in a fit of absence of mind."
Fortunately, the EU itself also has a proud tradition of muddling through the challenges it faces, long relying on messy arrangements to accommodate its various members" needs and demands. The EU most likely would have collapsed early on had it not been for what The Economist has described as its "spirit of grubby compromise." Where divergent interests cannot be easily reconciled, the EU has mastered the techniques of obfuscation and ambiguity to keep the beast lumbering forward.
Can such an arrangement now keep Britain in Europe? If I were a betting man, I would say yes. Policymakers know that despite the definitive wording of the Brexit referendum, the choice was never a simple "in" or "out." Between those two poles is a host of possible compromises that would leave Britain an informal partner of the EU, even if no longer a formal member.
The most likely possibility that comes to mind is known as the "Norway option." Norway is a member of the European Economic Area, but it has access to the EU's single market. In return for that privilege, Norway contributes annually to the EU budget, agrees to play by all the bloc's rules ? even if it has no part in their formulation ? and allows for the free movement of EU citizens. There is little reason to doubt that Britain could negotiate something along similar lines.
The easiest part to negotiate would be the annual contribution, which need not be very different from what the UK transfers to the EU now. Nor should it be difficult to find some way to give Britain an opt-out on any new EU rules, similar to what it already enjoys outside the eurozone under the banner of "vital national interests."
The biggest stumbling block is immigration, which motivated so many Leave voters. But even here it isn"t impossible to imagine that diplomats might be able to fudge things enough to reach an agreement that even the Leave camp can stomach.
In short, there is a good chance that in two or three years, after the smoke has cleared, little will have changed between the UK and the EU in practical terms. As a strictly legal matter, Britain will no longer be an EU member. But, otherwise, life will go on much as it did before. The EU's spirit of "grubby compromise" will have won out again.

◆FT, ドイツ・チーフ・コレスポンデント、ステファン・ワグスティル氏:
【内憂外患 独首相の苦悩】
【難民危機影響 かげる支持率】
【移民政策に反発 EU本部が攻勢】

JULY 13, 2016 By:Stefan Wagstyl
Angela Merkel: Crunch time for Europe's crisis manager
**The UK's vote to leave the EU has dented the German chancellor's position in Europe, giving rivals a chance to attack**
For Angela Merkel, Brexit is a threat to everything she has achieved in more than a decade as the EU's dominant political force. But while her ministers, EU chiefs in Brussels and other European heads of government seethe, the German chancellor has kept her feelings to herself. The most pointed comment she has made since Britain's decision to leave the EU on June 23 is that the decision was "regrettable".
As understatements go it would be hard to beat. Ms Merkel, the 61-year-old habitually cautious EU veteran, is in fact preparing for the fight of her political life. Behind the one word "regrettable" lie multiple concerns including the loss of a key liberal economic ally in the EU, the risk of further exits and the danger to her position in Europe.
"She faces a historic challenge to hold Europe together. This is in Germany's interest and it is in Europe's interest too. No question, she is very worried," says Jurgen Falter, a professor of politics at Mainz University.
If Ms Merkel's fundamental aims are simple, the execution of them has been made more complex by Brexit, even for a methodical ex-scientist With years of practice in resolving crises. She must now work to keep the EU together, fight off rising populism and ensure that the UK stays as close as possible to the remaining 27 members, above all to Germany. And she must do all this while preparing for next year's German parliamentary elections, the first since Europe's refugee crisis dented her sky-high ratings.
Ms Merkel will have to juggle the conflicting interests of Britain? Where a new government will have to clarify its intentions the union and its fractious member states, while facing down rivals with competing visions of Europe's future, not least Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission president, Francois Hollande, president of France, and Matteo Renzi, Italian premier. "Merkel's mastery [of the EU] will be weaker," says Josef Janning, head of the Berlin office of the European Council on Foreign Relations. "Brexit will add more divisions and more controversies."
**Blame game**
For a leader accustomed to dealing with crises ? the global financial upheaval, the Greek debt disaster, the Ukraine conflict and now the refugee emergency ? Brexit is a challenge of a different order. "We think that we 27 [states] can overcome the situation. But We have no illusions that this is a qualitatively different task," she said at the end of a sombre gathering of EU leaders a feWwdays after the referendum.
Her legacy is at stake. As a child of the former East Germany, she would hate to see new continental divisions. And as heir to former chancellor Helmut Kohl, the driving force of post-cold war European reunification, she would be loath to see the EU break up on her watch.
After 11 years in power her dominance of Germany and the EU is under threat. At home, support for the conservative bloc of the Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union has fallen from 41 per cent in the 2013 election to around 33 per cent. The anti-immigration Alternative for Germany has grown into the bloc's first significant rightwing challenger since the second world war. In the EU, the welcome she gave last year to more than 1m refugees won little support from fellow member states. Some feel bullied by German demands to take in migrants ? and have forced her to back down on proposals for an EU-wide redistribution of refugees. worse, to reduce the refugee inflows she has had to swallow her pride and cut a deal with Turkey.
She is widely accused of stirring the hornet's nest of migration politics. Alexander Lambsdorff, the liberal vice-president of the European Parliament, is among those blaming Brexit partly on Ms Merkel's refugee policy. "That some people should now portray her as Europe's rescuer is absurd ? Brexit is also her responsibility."
Crucially, whereas Berlin imposed solutions in the global and Greece financial crises, and led the way over Ukraine, the scale of the refugee problem has turned Ms Merkel into a supplicant, asking favours from other member states ? and being rebuffed by countries as small as Hungary. "She has lost her influence within the [European] Council," says one EU leader. "She has become the demandeur."
Mr Juncker has sensed the shift. The conservative Luxembourger has irritated Ms Merkel ever since he got Brussels' top job in 2014 against her will by winning grass roots support from conservative EU parties, including the CDU/CSU. Fending off calls for his resignation in the wake of the Brexit vote, and denying he was "tired or sick", he has gone on the attack, seeking to exploit the chancellor's weakness and shore up Brussels' powers.
In contrast to Ms Merkel, he is pressing for a quick start to Britain's departure negotiations, seeking to squeeze London and shorten the period of uncertainty. He worries that delays could encourage other sceptical EU members to exit ? with calls for referendums made by both Dutch rightwinger Geert wilders and Marine Le Pen, leader of France's National Front, ahead of elections in the next 12 months.
Together with Martin Schulz, the German social democrat and president of the European Parliament, Mr Juncker argues for EU institutions to play a key role in reshaping the post-Brexit union.
Of more concern to Ms Merkel is his push to dilute eurozone austerity policies. In May, Mr Juncker suggested that France ? which is expected to fail to meet its budget targets this year ? should get special favours "because it's France". He further risked Ms Merkel's ire by defending his approach in the days after the UK vote, saying: "As a commission, we have put an end to blind unilateralism that demanded that austerity alone would be our response to economic, financial and social crisis."
The commission chief especially annoyed Berlin by proposing immediately after the referendum that Brussels alone should approve a controversial EU trade deal with Canada, without recourse to national parliaments. Amid uproar from German parliamentarians, furious at what they saw as a power grab, Mr Juncker has backed down.
In one key respect Ms Merkel believes time may be on her side ? the Brexit vote has shocked many Europeans into rallying around the political status quo. YouGov opinion polls carried out in EU states after the referendum showed increases in support for continued membership in Germany and in three previously Eurosceptic states: Finland, Sweden and Denmark.
"In every country there will be people who will make the EU a scapegoat for all kinds of domestic problems or fears," says Manuel Sarrazin, the German Green party's Europe spokesman. "But there are also majorities bigger than in the UK that see the benefits of the EU, especially after Brexit."
**A different vision**
In contrast to the Juncker/Schulz federalist vision, Ms Merkel emphasises the role of member states. Wolfgang Schauble, her combative finance minister, has warned the commission to do its job better or face losing power to national capitals. "This is not the time for visions," he told Die welt newspaper. "If the commission does not work with us, then we ourselves will take things in hand."
Ms Merkel is afraid that discussion of wide-ranging reform plans could open the way for populists to advance radical ideas. She also wants to avoid alienating the eastern member states.
On austerity the chancellor may give a little ground. Mr Juncker is backed by centre-left leaders, headed by Mr Hollande, Mr Renzi and German Social Democratic chief Sigmar Gabriel, a minister in Ms Merkel's coalition. She has talked since the Brexit vote about addressing youth unemployment ? a key issue in southern Europe and France, where the youth jobless rate is close to 25 per cent.
Sandro Gozi, Italy's secretary of state for EU affairs, says: "We need a constructive role from Germany also on the economic front and we see there is still a lot of work to do."
Ironically Brexit could weaken Berlin's economic hand. London has long been an ally in pushing for liberal markets, with minimal government interference, in the face of France, Italy and others arguing for a bigger state role. "After Brexit, I think there will be more compromises with France and Italy on the economic front," says one CDU MP.
The next test could be Italy's bid to secure EU approval for a rescue of its debt-laden banks, in the face of strict state aid rules agreed in 2013. Ms Merkel has rebuffed Mr Renzi's request, arguing that the regulations cannot be changed "every two years".
But Mr Renzi is fighting for a compromise and suggesting that even Germany might yet need a bank rescue. Last week he claimed that Italian banks' problems were smaller than those of other eurozone "big banks" with derivatives positions. He did not name any institution but was widely thought to have been talking of Deutsche Bank, Germany's largest, whose shares have fallen by 60 per cent in the past year and trade near all-time lows.
**No need to be 'nasty'**
With regard to Brexit, Ms Merkel wants anything but the Juncker-backed rapid start to talks. Even when they begin, Ms Merkel says there is no reason to be "particularly nasty" to the UK. She worries that misguided pressure would only increase the economic costs to Britain and its partners, especially Germany.
German business interests are close to Ms Merkel's heart, especially ahead of national elections. The economy is doing well, with wages rising, unemployment falling and consumption growing, but companies fear the turmoil in the UK; the Dax stock index is down 5 per cent since the referendum.
"Brexit permanently damages the German economy," says Eric Schweitzer, president of DIHK, the German chambers of commerce. "It is working as a dampener on conditions."
Britain is Germany's third-largest market, after the US and France, taking 7.5 per cent of its exports. For some industries it is much higher: the UK accounts for 12.5 per cent of sales for its influential carmakers. Markus Kerber, managing director of the BDI employers' association, says: "we should not talk about punishing people [in tough negotiations] if we don't know that we might be punished ourselves."
Moreover, Berlin fears the loss of Britain's wider role in the EU. Along with France, it brings to the EU worldwide intelligence services, a permanent seat on the UN Security Council and a rare capacity to project military power. Nato officials, gathered in warsaw for a summit last weekend, say little of this will change. Also, as the UK was never an enthusiastic backer of EU defence co-operation, they say its departure may make it easier for the remaining 27 members to pursue initiatives opposed by London, such as a joint army.
The EU's broader strategic role could, however, be undermined, notably in relation to Russia, where the UK has backed Ms Merkel's hard line on economic sanctions over Ukraine. ECFR's Mr Janning says: "Russia wants to exploit Brexit as much as possible."
Over the longer run Brexit could strengthen Germany's grip on Europe and with it fears of Berlin's dominance. In the short term, however, the problem is not Germany's strength but the EU's collective weakness. The Brexit process will consume huge political and bureaucratic resources, leaving fewer available for other crises such as refugees, Italian banks or Greece.
However demanding the European questions will be, Ms Merkel will devote more energy to the domestic agenda ? and next year's elections. Analysts say it is too soon to say whether Brexit will boost the populist vote, as the AfD hopes, or whether the prospect of a struggling UK will frighten conservative Germans into sticking with Ms Merkel.
"Whatever happens," says a leading CDU MP, "Brexit must not damage our election campaign for next year. She wants to campaign on her record of managing crises in Europe." In the last election that record was self-evident. with the full fallout from Brexit yet to be realised that is no longer the case.